Updating and installing can be a bit finicky with winget since some packages only support system wide installs and not all of those packages request to be run as admin automaticly (there is a button to force an install to run as admin for those few packages), some packages require an interactive install (most are automatic, but these few will have to be installed using the interactive install button), and several packages update automaticly using their own solution and fail to inform winget causing winget to think there are updates but be unable to install them (can press "ignore this package" to hide it from updates list). Several more are using it behind the sceens like wsl/ubuntu, one drive, and visual studio build tools. I have firefox, chrome, idea/clion/webstorm, pycharm, prusa slicer, bitwarden, etcher, blender, git, gitkraken, powertoys, etc all installed from winget manually.
Plus since your already using winget whether you know it or not, it doesn't hurt to have a ui to see if any packages have updates to install. Even if you don't plan on using winget manually at all since its ui is faster and less frustrating than chocolateygui. Give it a try, winget search pkgName to see if a package exists and winget install pkgName to install. Most importantly, if your on an up to date win10/11 install you probably already have WinGet on your computer and have several programs that were installed through it without you knowing (as it is the default installer). WinGetUI is a basic gui for it which uses a sepereate thread for installs than the ui (unlike the most popular gui for chocolatey) and it also supports chocolatey/scoop as sources, making it my go to gui for chocolaty as well. WinGet is a microsoft maintained package manager (finally, took couple decades to get one) and has a decent selection of packages nowdays ( to see selections). Note there is now WinGet as an alternative to scoop/chocolatey. Could this be because of my graphics card and the fact that all of these emulators are GPU-based? I know NVIDIA Graphics Cards are notorious with how they perform and run things like this (I went to hell and back trying to get a smooth and graphically appealing i3 dual-boot on my computer before giving up). At this point, I don't know if it's just me or if it actually is slower.
Unfortunately, it is about the same as Windows Terminal in terms of how it feels in performance. Not sure if this is the right subreddit to ask this question but if any of you guys use Neovim on Windows 10, I would greatly appreciate it if you could detail on your setups or offer advice on good terminal emulators for Windows.ĮDIT: So after looking at a lot of these recommendations I tried out Wezterm. I would prefer my terminal to have true color support, unicode characters, ligature support, and of course, run smooth. I have tried using Alacritty and it definitely is a lot smoother, but it doesn't have key features that I want from a terminal emulator.
This wouldn't be that big of a problem if it weren't as noticable, however, even a full-blown GUI Code Editor/IDE like VS Code (In which I use the Vim extension) feels smoother to type and move around in. This issue is far more noticeable while editing files in NeoVim. In terminal, however, this is a lot less smooth - imagine the transition from playing a game at 60fps to 20fps - that's what it feels like. In CMD, when I hold down a particular key, the terminal smoothly prints out the leter as I hold it down.

My primary issue is that typing and movements in Windows Terminal (the widespread recommended terminal for Windows 10 from what I can tell after reading other comments on reddit) seem to be much more jittery and choppy than the native CMD. I am running Ubuntu 20.04 in WSL 2 and configuring Neo Vim. I have recently been working on a NeoVim setup to transition to from VS Code on Windows 10.