
Classical compositions from 1998
Classical compositions from 1998

This is because Classical music is composed in coherence with what Kepler called the ‘‘harmony’’ of the universe, or the negentropic, creative mind of God, in whose image we are made. The competent performance of the music of great Classical composers-i.e., one which is transparent with respect to the counterpoint and cross-voice relationships in the piece-actually has the effect of involving the listener in re-creating the work of the composer in his own mind. The answer to why Classical music improves one’s cognitive abilities flows from this. By replicating in his own mind the creative work of discovery of an Eratosthenes, a Beethoven, or a Kepler, the student develops the capacity for creative thought himself, and can thus master even the most difficult concepts at a relatively early age. As LaRouche explained, that principle-the mastery by a student of the original creative discoveries of the world’s great geniuses-is the essence of a Classical, humanist education, as, for instance, it was done in the schools of the Brotherhood of the Common Life in the period of the Golden Renaissance.

classical compositions from 1998

LaRouche replied that the core of the Thomanerchor’s daily activity, is the working through of the creative discovery of a great mind, in this case, the scores of Johann Sebastian Bach or Felix Mendellsohn Bartholdy.

classical compositions from 1998

Lyndon LaRouche was recently asked to explain how the Thomanerchor, including children as young as nine years old, are able to master and flawlessly perform, within one week’s time, the most complicated Classical music. A beautiful account of the Thomanerchor’s ‘∜ulture of Education’’ is given below. In a different way, the question was answered later that day at the first-ever concert of the Thomanerchor of Leipzig, Germany in the nation’s capital, which, like the symposium, was sponsored by the Committee for Excellence in Education Through Music, of which the Schiller Institute is a part. 7 symposium in Washington, D.C., ‘‘Towards a New Renaissance in Classical Education,’’ at which David Merrell presented his study. This question was in fact among the key subjects of the Feb. The best the experimenters have been able to say is that Classical music appears to increase the ‘‘connections’’ in the brain which are responsible for cognitive ability. However, none of these studies, several of which are discussed below, has attempted to explain Classical music has this powerful effect. On the other hand, the experiment also demonstrated the positive effects of a daily dose of Mozart: the Mozart mice improved their cognitive skills-the ability to run through a maze-over those of normal mice, at a statistically significant rate. Included here is one such study, conducted by a 17-year-old Virginia high school student, which shocked the nation in January.ĭavid Merrell won the Virginia State Fair with his experiment, demonstrating beyond doubt that laboratory mice subjected to a daily regimen of hard-rock music became so angry and aggressive that they literally killed each other within days. This is the conclusion of an increasing number of studies across the nation and around the world, with children and laboratory animals, which are now gaining adherents in such disparate places as the Georgia State House and the Berlin Senate.

classical compositions from 1998

If they are on drugs, or part of a gang, or have to be subdued with Ritalin because they “act out,” it may well be because they listen to the ‘‘music’’ of Anthrax or the Grateful Dead instead of Mozart or Beethoven. If your son or daughter can’t read, the fault may very well lie in the type of music you listened to while rocking your child to sleep.

Classical compositions from 1998